We've been celebrating here in the UK, Diamond Jubilee everywhere you look. It certainly makes one feel patriotic. I took the kids camping for the first time over the jubilee weekend but after having a week if fabulous weather in the last week of school, the moment our tent was up the rain came down..
This did not damper the camping spirit in the darlings so was not a total disaster.. I do salute all single parents though as this escapade was without the man of the house. Unfortunately his work trip to USA has been extended a little. We are all looking forward to having him home.
This week we have claimed some 'lazy' days ....kids having been playing around the house beautifully and I have grabbed a few stitchy hours and here's my progress on Bouquets
This is turning out to be lovely to stitch.
I have a confession....I battle to resist new charts, the problem is I am collecting more charts than I have time for....mmmm...it's going to be busy hands for a long time yet.
Garden update : after a surprise attack from the entire slug population I fought back and have reclaimed the garden (hopefully) - think I got to them before much damage was done.
Judging by the number of rosebuds I have fingers crossed for a brilliant show of colour shortly. Next year I am going to have to fill the gaps with some earlier flowering plants but need to read up a bit first....as I'm still aiming for an evergreen/perennial garden which limits the flowering plants.
My darling children are growing so fast, I can't believe the school year will be ending shortly, this year has flown it feels like I am chasing to keep up with myself.
Three cheers for the Her Majesty, The Queen ..
Wishing you a sunny summer....